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the 7th annual Dutch Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress

"NAN JING" Overcoming the 81 Difficulties


19 October 2024 - ONLINE

2 & 3 November 2024 - LIVE


join our three day "blended" event


Dear colleagues,


We hope this message finds you well. We're excited to announce the 7th Dutch TCM Congress (DTCMC) in 2024. This year, we have the privilege of hosting a "blended congress" with many respected speakers from various countries.  They will share their knowledge and experience on preventing and treating various health issues, exploring TCM theory.


The main goal of the Dutch TCM Congress is to bring together different medical practices to serve our health. We want to provide TCM practitioners with the tools and knowledge to better understand ancient texts, modern medical advances, and how to use them. This platform offers a place for renowned TCM and integrative medicine experts, scholars, teachers, and practitioners to share their wisdom and experiences.

In order to reach these goals on a truly global scale we have chosen to once again take pole position and offer a unique blended format congress.


This means that we can still cover the globe with the online part of our congress on October 19th 2024 but we will also have a two day live event in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on November the 2nd and 3rd 2024.


We're looking forward to meeting you soon.


the DTCMC Team​


DTCMC zaal.jpg
Our Address

Salverdaplein 15
6701 DB Wageningen

Sponsorships & Exhibitors

We offer various sponsorship & exhibitors packages.

For more information mail to:


You can send an e-mail to :


Be a volunteer!
We're sorry but this year's team has already been completed.
However, you can still secure your spot for the 2025 DTCMC.

Do you want to work together with colleagues and students in Traditional Chinese Medicine on one of the most unique TCM congresses. The number of participants at the Dutch TCM conference grows every year due to the wide range of unique, instructive and informative lectures given by renowned international and national speakers.


Expand your network within TCM and work together with colleagues on this inspiring event.

As a volunteer you have free access to all lectures. If you are a practicing member of NVTCG Zhong, you will also receive NAPS for the lectures you have attended.


Sign up today and secure yourself a spot on our volunteer team. You can register by sending an email and resumé to


Yours sincerely,

Also find us on:
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© 2024 DTCMC presented by NVTCG Zhong

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